Pubg Offline Android

The new Sanhok map comes to PUBG Mobile for Android The 0.8 update of PUBG Mobile is finally here, with its biggest lure being a new map, which reached the PC version at the end of June. This time, the update is going to take place practically simultaneously on both the international and the Asian (Exhilarating Battlefield) version, with it. Top 10 Best Offline Games Like PUBG for Android/iOS 2019 Offline Battle Royale iOS. In this video, we take a look on Top 10 Best Offline Games Like PUBG fo. SoulCraft tops our list of the top offline android games in the RPG category. The game is set against an incredible storyline where the humans have discovered the secret to eternal life. This drives the angels and demons to make a pact and claim the apocalypse to maintain the natural flow of things.

Pubg Offline Android
Games, Action
Pubg Offline Android

Pubg Mobile Online Download

Version: 1.1.0

Pubg Offline Android Mod

PUBG MOBILE - NEW ERA - a multiplayer online action that boasts a huge number of all possible analogs. At the same time, the developers of PUBG MOBILE tried to use a number of original solutions, while retaining the basic elements of the more famous colleague. You still have to fight real players on huge cards, while building different fortifications and other structures. But the visual solution PUBG MOBILE differs originality, and as a result at your disposal there will be several dozens of different types of weapons made in an unusual style, as well as all elements, rivals and objects are also performed in an unusual form.