
The living area of our 35-year-old house is now a beautifully updated “great room” thanks to Doug Moran’s creativity and expert craftsmanship. RadAjaxManagerProxy copies the exact same RadAjaxManager designer configuration so that you can set all the necessary AJAX settings within the WebUserControl/ContentPage entirely through the designer. Example 1 shows how you could use RadAjaxManagerProxy to Ajax-enable controls within a WebUserControl/ContentPage.

  1. Radajaxmanagerproxy Ajax Request
  2. Telerik Radajaxmanagerproxy
  3. Radajaxmanagerproxy Vs Radajaxmanager
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    With jQuery, you can create custom animations.

    jQuery Animations - The animate() Method

    The jQuery animate() method is used to create custom animations.


    The required params parameter defines the CSS properties to be animated.

    The optional speed parameter specifies the duration of the effect. It can take the following values: 'slow', 'fast', or milliseconds.

    The optional callback parameter is a function to be executed after the animation completes.

    The following example demonstrates a simple use of the animate() method; it moves a <div> element to the right, until it has reached a left property of 250px:


    $('div').animate({left: '250px'});
    Try it Yourself »

    By default, all HTML elements have a static position, and cannot be moved.
    To manipulate the position, remember to first set the CSS position property of the element to relative, fixed, or absolute!

    jQuery animate() - Manipulate Multiple Properties

    Notice that multiple properties can be animated at the same time:


    left: '250px',
    opacity: '0.5',
    height: '150px',
    width: '150px'
    Radajaxmanagerproxy loadingTry it Yourself »

    Is it possible to manipulate ALL CSS properties with the animate() method?
    Yes, almost! However, there is one important thing to remember: all property names must be camel-cased when used with the animate() method: You will need to write paddingLeft instead of padding-left, marginRight instead of margin-right, and so on.
    Also, color animation is not included in the core jQuery library.
    If you want to animate color, you need to download the Color Animations plugin from jQuery.com.

    jQuery animate() - Using Relative Values

    It is also possible to define relative values (the value is then relative to the element's current value). This is done by putting += or -= in front of the value:


    left: '250px',
    height: '+=150px',
    width: '+=150px'

    Radajaxmanagerproxy Ajax Request

    Try it Yourself »

    jQuery animate() - Using Pre-defined Values

    You can even specify a property's animation value as 'show', 'hide', or 'toggle':


    height: 'toggle'
    Try it Yourself »

    jQuery animate() - Uses Queue Functionality

    By default, jQuery comes with queue functionality for animations.

    Radajaxmanagerproxy ajax request

    This means that if you write multiple animate() calls after each other, jQuery creates an 'internal' queue with these method calls. Then it runs the animate calls ONE by ONE.

    Telerik Radajaxmanagerproxy


    So, if you want to perform different animations after each other, we take advantage of the queue functionality:

    Example 1

    var div = $('div');
    div.animate({height: '300px', opacity: '0.4'}, 'slow');
    div.animate({width: '300px', opacity: '0.8'}, 'slow');
    div.animate({height: '100px', opacity: '0.4'}, 'slow');
    div.animate({width: '100px', opacity: '0.8'}, 'slow');
    Try it Yourself »

    The example below first moves the <div> element to the right, and then increases the font size of the text:

    Example 2

    var div = $('div');
    div.animate({left: '100px'}, 'slow');
    div.animate({fontSize: '3em'}, 'slow');
    Try it Yourself »

    jQuery Exercises

    jQuery Effects Reference

    For a complete overview of all jQuery effects, please go to our jQuery Effect Reference.

    Radajaxmanagerproxy Vs Radajaxmanager